Communication For All

Speech Generation Simplified

We Are Here for You On This Journey

how our clients' lives have gotten brighter

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Meet Michael

Before we met Michael, he relied on a caregiver to read his lips and support him for everything. Now with his EyeOn Elite, Michael can:

  • Make and receive phone calls to stay connected to loved ones
  • Independently control his TV himself to enjoy watching his favorite shows
  • Access all of his favorite apps, play games, and browse the web

He says, “EyeTech’s on-site support and virtual Success Coach team have helped me every step of the way. Thank you EyeTech for giving me a voice and independence again!”

Meet Charlene

Before we met Charlene, she was using the back of a three-ring binder as a white board for communicating with patients.

Now with her EyeOn, she is:

  • Using BrightSymbol to make custom communication boards within minutes
  • Able to better understand and meet her patients needs

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Meet Reuben

Before we met Reuben, he was locked in and struggling with his newly diagnosed disease.

Now with his EyeOn Elite, he is:

  • Making and receiving phone calls to stay connected
  • Using eye gaze with all of his favorite apps
  • He is even getting his PhD in Educational Leadership Policy!